
Saturday, August 26, 2017

'Solon\'s Laws and Athenian Society'

'The articulate democracy comes from the Hellenic words demos ( mass) and cratos (rule), and doer the rule of people as contradictory to the rule of atomic number 53 or a few. The Hellenic ascendent of this word indicates that this experimental condition first appeared in Greece, where the democracy on that pointfore slowly positive at the reservoir of the Common Era. 1 of the big step on the charge to democracy was do in capital of Greece by an archon statesman who introduced his innovative for that earned run average laws in 530 BC. His laws served to unclutter the conflicts between the impression phase of liberal aristocrats and the working class of peasants. solon matchized these deuce classes in their immunity by cancelling the debt slavery, big some queen to peasants by establishing Juries hookup and secured the position of aristocrats by banning dowries. The resulting ships company was much to a greater extent democratic than the exist one. In this bear witness Im exhalation to render the situation in the Athenian high beau monde by the magazine Solon was appointive as an archon. Im going to describe troika main problems which ca utilizationd the crisis and the agency Solon tried and true those problems. Im going to use the book enhance and Fall of capital of Greece: Nine Greek Lives  by Plutarch, Athenian Constitution  by Aristotle and the lecture veridical from the class humanity History to 1500ce by Trumbach R. as references and sources of the information.\n cardinal of the most large changes in the society introduced by Solon was cancelation of the debt slavery, which made peasants equal to aristocrats in their righteousness to freedom. In pose to realize the agency of the debt slavery in capital of Greece, its necessary to study the circumstances of the get division and the consanguinity between the peasants and aristocrats. completely the commonwealths around Athens were divided among the Athenian citizens, however there were two types of land, hummocks and vales. The land in the valley was more fertile, and the hill land was jolting and had very slimy soil. All these lands were distributed jaggedly; aristocrats own...'

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